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We have migrated Dr Guruchander’s wellness protocols to Fullscript as it is more robust in what it offers. We are now able to sell you Nutriclear Free and thousands of other products at a 20% discount. We have changed some of the protocols for simplicity and less expense to you. Each protocol has many items listed which we have found to be supportive, you can choose all of the products or just one, up to you!

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NutriClear® Free

$75 with local pick up
Provides support for enzymatic processes and elimination of potentially harmful substances. It also compensates for nutrient deficiencies resulting from poor diet and maldigestion. NutriClear® Free protects against oxidative stress associated with detoxification and also supports tissue rebuilding. NutriClear® Free is free of all sweeteners, is gluten free, non-GMO, and vegetarian compatible.
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Two (2) level scoops mixed with twelve (12) ounces of cool water (or the healthy beverage of your choice).

Active Ingredients:
Ingredients: Organic pea protein, potassium citrate, calcium magnesium citrate, medium chain triglycerides, magnesium citrate malate, L-Glutamine, trimethylglycine, calcium ascorbate, zinc picolinate, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, natural mixed carotenoids, d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, quercetin, natural mixed tocopherols, manganese gluconate, molybdenum aspartate, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, L-Glutathione, L-Threonine, L-Lysine HCl, niacinamide, copper gluconate, calcium pantothenate, selenium aspartate, cocarboxylase chloride, riboflavin-5-phosphate, chromium picolinate, potassium iodide, vitamin D3, biotin, 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt, calcium folinate, phytonadione, and methylcobalamin.

Other Ingredients:
Trimethylglycine, L-Glutathione, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, L-Glutamine, and Quercetin. This product is gluten and dairy free. This product is made from non-genetically modified, organic pea.

Protocol for NutriClear
Dietary Guidelines_copy


Rate each of the following symptoms based upon your health profile for the past 30 days.

Point Scale
0 NEVER OR ALMOST NEVER have symptom
1 OCCASIONALLY have it, effect is NOT SEVERE
2 OCCASIONALLY have it, effect is SEVERE
3 FREQUENTLY have it, effect is NOT SEVERE
4 FREQUENTLY have it, effect is SEVERE


On Consciously Becoming a Vegetarian
Vegetarian diet is strongly recommended for yoga practitioners, due to the effect of meat on the body, emotions, and psyche, as well as ethical considerations. As students of yoga, although we are given reasons why becoming a vegetarian is a good idea, we are not necessarily taught how to become a vegetarian in a balanced way, while considering yogic ethical principles and our own individual constitution. There is also often little consideration given to the cultural traditions each individual yogi brings to this lifestyle. In most cultures, food is an important aspect of identity, harmony, tradition, family bonding, and happiness. As yogis, we need to be aware and be honest with ourselves as to how giving up certain foods might affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Also, there are skills needed in becoming a healthy vegetarian. For some, transitioning to vegetarianism may require learning a whole new way of cooking—for ourselves and our families.

One question every yogi asks at some point is: “should I become a vegetarian?” Another question may be: “should I become a vegetarian all at once, or should it be a more gradual process?”
Answering these questions may involve a process of study and personal reflection.

In Indian culture, ancient scriptures do not prohibit meat, but prescribe which meats are most appropriate for which people (Ballentine, 1978). Ayurveda looks at the effects of all foods, including meat. It may be useful to consider one’s ayurvedic constitution when thinking about a vegetarian diet. In his book, Ayurvedic Healing, Dr. David Frawley includes dietary guidelines for balancing the doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Although he promotes a vegetarian diet as part of a yogic lifestyle, Dr. Frawley states “Vata types can most honestly claim to need meat int their diet,” whereas Pitta and Kapha types “do not need to eat meat.” According to Frawley, with all doshas, if meat is eaten, it is recommended fish, chicken, turkey–rather than red meat–be taken. Perhaps, then, one way to transition to a vegetarian diet gradually and consciously would be to first give up red meat, and slowly eliminate other meats if and when one felt ready and able to so. This would be done mindfully, with an awareness of one’s individual constitutional type.

As yogis, we follow the Yamas and Niyamas as the basis for our choices in life. Ahimsa (nonviolence) is one of the five Yamas (principle of social behavior). Nonviolence (towards animals) is often a reason given for being a vegetarian. In addition to non-harming of animals, we might also want to consider ahimsa with respect to ourselves or our loved ones. For example, a predominantly Vata type constitution might have a tendency to become extremely ungrounded on a vegetarian diet if they do not know how to use other means to pacify high Vata. Another example is someone who gives up all meat, but eats too many breads and sweets for quick energy because they don’t have the time or the skills to cook nutritious vegetarian meals. Another example is when a person’s dietary restrictions inflict harm on their relationships because their dietary changes are not undertaken in a conscious, considerate way.

Another important Yama is Satya (truthfulness). It is important to be honest with oneself. This means to practice yoga with genuineness and authenticity, rather than to blindly do what we are told. Yoga teaches us true knowledge is what is experienced first-hand. Yogic disciplines allow for different paths. An individual would be hard pressed to live in the world while practicing every aspect of this vast discipline. As yogis, we need to be true to ourselves and practice yoga in a way that works for us in our life.

An important Niyama (principle of personal behavior) is svadhyaya (self-study). This Niyama means continually being aware of the subtle changes taking place within our own psyche. This is what lets us know what changes we need to consider making. We must approach ourselves gently but firmly. As yogis, we are on a path to become more conscious and aware, to become more aligned with our best selves. If we become aware of a behavior which is not in line with what we know to be true, we must strive to make changes. This includes pay attention to our diet. In doing so, however, let us not forget, the Niyama, santosha (contentment). Eating is one of the universal pleasures of life. No matter what diet we choose to follow or are striving to follow, let us not forget to enjoy the act of sharing a delicious meal with our communities and families.

Rudolph Ballentine, M.D (1978). Diet and Nutrition: A Holistic Approach. Honesdale: Himalayan Institute
David Frawley, O.M.D (1989). Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide. Salt Lake City: Passage PressLena Bennet, MSW, E-RYT has been a yoga student since 1989 and a hatha yoga teacher since 2002. This month, Lena completed Kundalini Yoga training at Yoga Santa Fe while at the same time completing a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work at New Mexico Highlands University.

Consultations by Appointment

One hour Yogic Numerology Consultation $150
One hour nutritional and Lifestyle Consultation $150

By appointment: gcskhalsa@gmail.com

Why Dr. Guruchander S. Khalsa developed the Neckbloc—an ancient solution for neck pain relief…

Get back the cervical curve in your neck. This neck block was designed and created by Dr Guruchander to get to the cause of neck pain, stiffness and discomfort as you’ll relax cervical muscles, improve blood circulation and increase flexibility and range of motion.

Use for 1 – 3 minutes per session several times a day

As a practicing chiropractor since 1982, I’ve treated hundreds of patients with hyperflexion/hypertension neck injuries, or whiplash-traumas which often result in loss of cervical curvature.

  1. While I’ve normally been able to provide these patients with the ongoing adjustments that alleviate their pain over time, I’ve rarely, if ever seen a return of cervical curve. As you know, this condition can result in a continuing degenerative process. Short of trying to minimize these patients’ pain for the rest of their lives, what was I to do? The solution didn’t come from a present-day technique, but rather one that was thousands of years old.
  2. Ancient Technique Produces Modern-Day Healing
    Some time ago, one of my patients showed me a crude device that was a copy of an ancient Egyptian artifact. I thought the device had potential and decided to experiment with developing updated prototypes. The result was the NeckBloc.
  3. My next goal was to test the product on some of my most chronic sufferers. Working with a number of patients over a six-month period, I instructed them to lie face-up on the NeckBloc, three times per day, for five minute intervals. Having experimented with this regimen myself, I advised them to expect some minor discomfort but, I believed the end results would be well worth the effort. I told them that if they experienced any numbness, tingling, headaches or pain, they were to immediately stop using the product and consult with me.
  4. Beyond the expected minor discomfort, none of my patients experienced any adverse symptoms. In fact, in a short time, some of patient’s pain decreased markedly and for some there was a total absence of pain.
  5. Tests Show Many Benefits
    Upon comparing before and after X-rays over the six month test period, I couldn’t have been more excited. The combination of regular chiropractic adjustments and daily use of the NeckBloc produced one or more of the following results in patients who adhered to the program:
  • Significant restoration of cervical curvature
  • Improved cervical spine function
  • Significant pain reduction
  • Partial correction of narrowed nerve passages
  1. Since my patients have achieved these highly positive results, I predict similar success for you, if you are willing to follow the same regular program of daily NeckBloc use.
  2. Directions For Use of the NeckBloc
  • Place the NeckBloc on a solid surface, such as a wooden or tile floor, not a bed
  • Make sure that the yoke is securely positioned in the base
  • Lie down and place the NeckBloc as close to your shoulders as possible, extend the arch of your neck past the block, making your head tilt back
  • How you position yourself will depend upon the length of your neck. For people with necks that are short, place a pillow underneath the middle of the back, then place the NeckBloc in the appropriate position. For a longer neck, you may need to place a book under the NeckBloc to raise its height, ensuring that the head does not touch the ground
  • Allow head and neck muscles to relax by doing deep breathing and focus on relaxing the neck area which makes contact with the NeckBloc
  • Repeat this process three times each day, every 6 to 8 hours, from thirty seconds to five minutes per session. If you have a job that requires looking down (jeweler, architect, etc), then you need to take two five minute sessions extra after every 2.5 hours of work
      If numbness or tingling occurs, this may be a medical symptom which needs attention. Discontinue use of the NeckBloc until you have consulted with your Physician.
    2. Some discomfort while using this product is normal because the ligament tissue needs to stretch. If the discomfort becomes severe, however, this may indicate more serious problems. Discontinue use of NeckBloc until you have consulted with your Physician.
    3. This product is helping to correct a major problem in your neck, be patient and keep up with the process.
    4. Children under 18 years, adults over 70 years of age or anyone who has suffered severe neck injuries need to use this product under the supervision of their Physician.

    Focus on NeckBloc Use as Exercise
    I noticed that when my patients thought of NeckBloc therapy as exercise, such focusing became an important factor in their successful healing. Like running or aerobics there may be a certain amount of discomfort experienced when you first start, but it is in the persistence of regular exercise that gains are found. You may want to start using the NeckBloc slowly as first, perhaps two minutes twice a day. With continued use you should experience short term benefits of pain reduction, as you continue you will make long term benefits that prevent many degenerative conditions later on.Best wishes for your continued health,
    Dr. Guruchander S. Khalsa DC
    Co-Owner Chiro-Yog Inc.

    $49.95 includes shipping – $35.00 local pickup


    “Numerology for Brilliance”

    We each have a soul, three parts of our mind and a physical body.  The third eye is the balance point between our physical existence and our spiritual existence, which we call the arc-line. From our 10th gate, rays of light shoot out which surround our physical body in a 9-foot sphere.  This flow is what creates the electromagnetic field around the body, the aura.  With all contractions and polarities neutralized, this aura will become nine feet wide and creates a sphere of eighteen feet in diameter. With this extended aura intact, we have the ability to hold the life force, prana, from the universe for use in our physical existence with our Pranic Body.  When this Pranic Body recharges our spiritual energy, that energy flows into our subtle chakra system and this distributes the prana into the meridians or nadis.  When you learn to clear the reactivity in each of the chakras this energy will flow unimpeded and result in brilliance.

    We studied many books to find the patterns, which other cultures had observed, in order to recognize where dis-harmony came from.  We found charts describing the energetic patterns of health and dis-ease, of expansion and contraction, in books on Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, macrobiotics and in the Touch For Health courses. It was interesting to notice that these charts presented many similarities to the kundalini yoga teachings.  We realized that there had to be one energy pattern that flows through all beings and that this was described in many different ways, yet it was the same electrical system at the causal level.  This is the concept that we will explore in our book.

    In the end, you will have a kind of schematic diagram for what we call your “Purest Potential” (a collection of functional ways of seeing) that when practiced will increase your awareness, making an incredibly large amount of data available to you at any given moment. This will allow you the opportunity to make more informed choices that can lead to happiness, health, prosperity and a life that expresses your Purest Potential.

    *Purest is clear and true; without any discordant quality

    *Potential is that which you are capable of being or becoming:

    As we always say, prosperity means a pro-spirit life. Your unique spirit has so many ways of expressing itself—and how to experience them is what this book will enlighten you with.  Brilliance…

    “Numerology for Self Mastery”

    A study of Numerology for Self Mastery using Kundalini Yoga practices and Meditations to achieve fulfillment. This form of Numerology is not just a reading to entertain and inform. This form uses Kundalini Yoga sets and meditations to rewrite the responses to lifes challenges.The techniques create the ability of the practicioner to respond rather than react to life’s events. Their is a breakdown of the human psyche according to the Yogi’s and technology to rewrite the way planetary light affects the human pshche. This transmission of light can be experienced as harmonious and the Universe experienced as an ally not the enemy. Change feeling like a victim(Karma and past life Karma known as Samskaras) to Dharma or flow with the Universe as your Ally. Enjoy the technology of Kundalini Yoga sets and meditations to release the obstacles and experience the joy and fulfillment of manifesting your Purest Potential, now.

    Tantric Numerology ~ Create Your Destiny

    Tantric Numerology is different from most numerology books. We won’t be dealing with a lot of numbers or formulas. Our first book, Numerology for Self Mastery, presents the ten bodies in a very personal way. A good way to begin your study of the ten bodies would be to familiarize yourself with the information in the first book. It explains how to calculate the numerology hidden in the day of your birth. Your birth numbers describe your preliminary destiny in terms of the ten bodies. Expanding yourself beyond those first studies of numerology into actually applying the technology to cause positive change using all ten bodies will give you the capacity to re-write your destiny. This is the intention for Tantric Numerology.

    This second book looks at the expressions of each of the ten bodies so you can learn how to integrate and coordinate each body consciously. These bodies are the yogic description of what the fully expressed human being feels and acts like. The practical part of it is that anyone can achieve this state of realization – it just takes applying your awareness. You don’t need to belong to any organized anything to express your potential.

    Knowing your personal numbers will allow you to harmonize your soul’s expression. Our premise is that the soul has lessons to integrate and gifts to express this lifetime. With an awareness of your soul’s journey you can manifest your specific expression. Learning how to express the potential of your ten bodies will give you the ability to live beyond the drama of your karma, (polarities) so you can fulfill your Purest Potential. These two books are the foundation for you to learn how to bring yourself completely present in your own life in a harmonic way.

    Completely re-written and updated.

    Numerology for Self Mastery – Sikh Dharma Edition

    While other numerology systems focus on predicting external events, Numerology for Self Mastery offers just that—a system to better know yourself from the inside out. This everlasting gift of self-knowledge paves the way for you to find inner peace no matter what happens in the external world. When properly calculated, every birth date unlocks deeper perspective about the real-world, personal concerns most people have. This book points out your greatest assets, while better preparing you for your challenges. Utilizing this system of numerology helps you craft a guidebook for living in alignment with your unique life path.

    You will learn how to calculate the year, month and day cycles and interpret the five key numbers calculated from a birthdate. You will understand how the numbers plot out a clear map of who you are and what you are here to do and apply spiritual practices to align with your destiny. After successful completion of this material you will understand how to create a specific path to self mastery for yourself, and others.

    “Tantric Numerology: Create Your Destiny – Sikh Dharma Edition”

    Tantric Numerology is different from most numerology books. We won’t be dealing with a lot of numbers or formulas. Our first book, Numerology for Self Mastery, presents the ten bodies in a very personal way. A good way to begin your study of the ten bodies would be to familiarize yourself with the information in the first book. It explains how to calculate the numerology hidden in the day of your birth. Your birth numbers describe your preliminary destiny in terms of the ten bodies. Expanding yourself beyond those first studies of numerology into actually applying the technology to cause positive change using all ten bodies will give you the capacity to re-write your destiny. This is the intention for Tantric Numerology. This second book looks at the expressions of each of the ten bodies so you can learn how to integrate and coordinate each body consciously. These bodies are the yogic description of what the fully expressed human being feels and acts like. The practical part of it is that anyone can achieve this state of realization – it just takes applying your awareness. You don’t need to belong to any organized anything to express your potential. Knowing your personal numbers will allow you to harmonize your soul’s expression. Our premise is that the soul has lessons to integrate and gifts to express this lifetime. With an awareness of your soul’s journey you can manifest your specific expression. Learning how to express the potential of your ten bodies will give you the ability to live beyond the drama of your karma, (polarities) so you can fulfill your Purest Potential. These two books are the foundation for you to learn how to bring yourself completely present in your own life in a harmonic way.