10 Body Treatment

The 10 Body Treatment is a pressure point healing method that has been found to:
Address your pain and discomfort
Release inflammation
Reduce the pain and discomfort of temporary, chronic and acute inflammation
Produce a state of calmness and implements patterns of peace and relaxation to replace anger and stress
Reduce the tendency and habits of anger and self-abuse, as well as outward-directed anger


Medical science today knows that the root of disease is inflammation. Whether you are suffering from intermittent or chronic pain or general discomfort, it is most likely caused by inflammation. On the physical level, inflammation is the body’s initial response to harmful stimuli that we experience everywhere in the world we live in. Underlying the physical expression of inflammation is the emotional expression represented by anger.

Therapy sessions include:
Chiropractic manipulation and pressure point therapy

By receiving 10 consecutive treatments you will be able to maintain a state of homeostasis which is incorporated deeper into your body with each session.

For maximum effect the 10 sessions should always be scheduled within 30 days of each other.

10 Body Treatment – Click Here for a description for the treatment!

Watch Dr. Guruchander perform the 10 Body Treatment.

Part 1

Part 2